MVO - Hydraulic vibrators
MVO are suitable for applications where there is a hydraulic circuit. The most common applications are industrial vehicles, such as tipper trucks, agricultural machines, excavators and all other mobile machines with a hopper, as well as, machinery for the asphalt industry.
They are suitable for outdoor use thanks to their robust and compact design.
The force and speed are adjustable based on the operating pressure, which must be between 70 and 120 Bar (1.015 ~ 1.740 PSI).
The force generated can reach 830 kg (1,830 lbs).
- High centrifugal force
- Design suitable for heavy use
- Low noise
The MVO series hydraulic vibrator is designed and built according to ISO 14121 and comply with directive 2006/42 / CE.
MVO are suitable for applications where there is a hydraulic circuit. The most common applications are industrial vehicles, such as tipper trucks, agricultural machines, excavators and all other mobile machines with a hopper, as well as, machinery for the asphalt industry.
They are suitable for outdoor use thanks to their robust and compact design.
The force and speed are adjustable based on the operating pressure, which must be between 70 and 120 Bar (1.015 ~ 1.740 PSI).
The force generated can reach 830 kg (1,830 lbs).Advantages
- High centrifugal force
- Design suitable for heavy use
- Low noise
The MVO series hydraulic vibrator is designed and built according to ISO 14121 and comply with directive 2006/42 / CE.
Broschüre Vibratoren für Lastzüge
Revision: 7Languages: DE
Brochure Truck Trailer Vibrators
Revision: 7Languages: EN
Brochure Truck Trailer Vibrators
Revision: 7Languages: EN-US
Folleto Vibradores para remolque de camión
Revision: 7Languages: ES
Brochure Vibrateurs de remorques et véhicules
Revision: 7Languages: FR
Brochure Vibratori per rimorchi e cisterne
Revision: 7Languages: IT
Broszura Wibratory do naczep i ciężarówek
Revision: 7Languages: PL
Folheto Vibradores de Reboque de Camião
Revision: 7Languages: PT
брошюра Вибраторы для прицепов и цистерн
Revision: 7Languages: RU
Katalog Austragshilfen
Revision: 02Languages: DE
Catalog Flow Aids
Revision: 02Languages: EN,AR,HI,SV,TH,MT,ID
Catalog Flow Aids
Revision: 02Languages: EN-US
Catalogar Sistemas De Fluidificación
Revision: 02Languages: ES
Catalogue Équipements D’aide À L’écoulement
Revision: 02Languages: FR
Catalogo Sistemi Di Discesa
Revision: 02Languages: IT
Katalog Wspomaganie Przepływu
Revision: 02Languages: PL
Catálogo Auxiliares De Fluxo
Revision: 02Languages: PT
Каталог Системы Сводообрушения
Revision: 02Languages: RU
Revision: 02Languages: TR
Revision: 2021Languages: ZH
2 Seitenbroschüre - Vibrationsmotoren - Austragshilfen
Revision: 6.1Languages: DE
2 Side Brochure - Motovibrators and Flowaids
Revision: 6.1Languages: EN,KO
2 Side Brochure - Motovibrators and flowaids
Revision: 6.1Languages: EN-US
Folleto de 2 lados - Motovibradores - Sistemas De Ayuda A La Descarga
Revision: 6.1Languages: ES
Brochure 2 faces - Vibrateurs Électriques - Aide A L’ecoulement
Revision: 6.1Languages: FR
Brochure a 2 lati - Motovibratori - Flow Aids
Revision: 6.1Languages: IT
2-stronna broszura - Wibratory Elektryczne - Wspomaganie Wysypu
Revision: 6.1Languages: PL
Brochura de 2 Lados - Motovibradores - Flow Aids
Revision: 6.1Languages: PT
2-х сторонняя брошюра - МОТОР-ВИБРАТОРЫ - FLOW AIDS
Revision: 6.1Languages: RU