VHA - Internal pneumatic vibrators
The VHA range of pneumatic needles is designed to provide high operating frequency with high working efficiency under safe conditions.
Ease-of-use and maintenance-free make the VHA the perfect solution for compacting concrete when electricity is not available.
The VHA range is ideal for every type of compaction: from lab tests to heavy infrastructure projects. There are no moving parts inside the hose, this means less vibration on the hands and arms of the operator and an extended service life.Applications
As a pneumatic vibrator, VHA doesn’t need electricity and can even work out of concrete without overheating. This means no work interruptions even in severe conditions.Features
Sectors & Applications
Technical Features
The VHA range is ideal for every type of compaction: from lab tests to heavy infrastructure projects.
As a pneumatic vibrator, VHA doesn’t need electricity and can even work out of concrete without overheating. This means no work interruptions even in severe conditions.Features
There are no moving parts inside the hose, this means less vibration on the hands and arms of the operator and an extended service life.
- High working efficiency
- No work interruptions
- Maintenance free
- Safe
- CE: Community Directives and subsequent modifications: 2006/42/EC – 2006/95/EC
- Different length of the hose (up to 6 m)
- Quick connect fittings with filter included
Sectors & Applications
Application Mapping Chart
Revision: 3Languages: EN
Brochure Concrete Elements Consolidation
Revision: 01Languages: EN,HI,AR,SV,TH,MT,ID
Catalog Concrete Consolidation
Revision: 14.1Languages: EN
OLI Company Profile
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2 Side Brochure - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: EN
Made in OLI
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Verdichtung von Betonfertigteilen
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Brochure Concrete Elements Consolidation
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Consolidation des éléments en béton
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Consolidação dos Elementos de Concreto
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Консолидация железобетонной конструкции
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Revision: 2021Languages: ZH
Katalog Betonverdichtung
Revision: 14.1Languages: DE
Catalog Concrete Consolidation
Revision: 14.1Languages: EN-US
Catalogar Vibración Del Hormigón
Revision: 14.1Languages: ES
Catalogue Consolidation Du Béton
Revision: 14.1Languages: FR
Catalogo La Vibrazione Del Calcestruzzo
Revision: 14.1Languages: IT
Katalog Zagęszczanie Betonu
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Catálogo Betão Consolidação
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Каталог Виброуплотнение Бетона
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2 Seitenbroschüre - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
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2 Side Brochure - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: EN-US
Folleto de 2 lados - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: ES
Brochure 2 faces - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: FR
Brochure a 2 lati - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: IT
2-stronna broszura - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: PL
Brochura de 2 Lados - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: PT
2-х сторонняя брошюра - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Languages: RU