CM electromechanical converters are designed to continuously supply internal and external high frequency vibrators operating at 42V 200Hz. Depending on the model, the CMs can feed from one to 4 vibrators simultaneously.
CMs are electromechanical voltage and frequency converters, designed to power high frequency electric vibrators.
The design, the high-quality materials and the cutting-edge technological solutions guarantee the high reliability of the CMs, which do not need any maintenance.
CM electromechanical converters are designed to continuously supply internal and external high frequency vibrators operating at 42V 200Hz. Depending on the model, the CMs can feed from one to 4 vibrators simultaneously. CM type electric frequency and voltage converters have an electric motor coupled to a permanent magnet generator. The system reduces the input voltage, single-phase (230 V, 1 ph) or three-phase (400 V, 3 ph), in low voltage at 42 V and high frequency at 200 Hz to allow the correct operation of the electric vibrators and to guarantee safety operator.Applications
To facilitate greater maneuverability, some models are equipped with a handle or a grip frame with or without wheels.
CM electromechanical converters are designed to continuously supply internal and external high frequency vibrators operating at 42V 200Hz. Depending on the model, the CMs can feed from one to 4 vibrators simultaneously. CM type electric frequency and voltage converters have an electric motor coupled to a permanent magnet generator. The system reduces the input voltage, single-phase (230 V, 1 ph) or three-phase (400 V, 3 ph), in low voltage at 42 V and high frequency at 200 Hz to allow the correct operation of the electric vibrators and to guarantee safety operator.Applications
To facilitate greater maneuverability, some models are equipped with a handle or a grip frame with or without wheels.
Application Mapping Chart
Revision: 3Brochure Concrete Elements Consolidation
Revision: 01Catalog Concrete Consolidation
Revision: 14.1OLI Company Profile
Revision: 22 Side Brochure - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Made in OLI
Revision: 0Verdichtung von Betonfertigteilen
Revision: 01Brochure Concrete Elements Consolidation
Revision: 01Consolidación de elementos de hormigón
Revision: 01Consolidation des éléments en béton
Revision: 01Zagęszczanie prefabrykatów betonowych
Revision: 01Consolidação dos Elementos de Concreto
Revision: 01Консолидация железобетонной конструкции
Revision: 01混凝土振实
Revision: 2021Katalog Betonverdichtung
Revision: 14.1Catalog Concrete Consolidation
Revision: 14.1Catalogar Vibración Del Hormigón
Revision: 14.1Catalogue Consolidation Du Béton
Revision: 14.1Catalogo La Vibrazione Del Calcestruzzo
Revision: 14.1Katalog Zagęszczanie Betonu
Revision: 14.1Catálogo Betão Consolidação
Revision: 14.1Каталог Виброуплотнение Бетона
Revision: 14.12 Seitenbroschüre - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 62 Side Brochure - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Folleto de 2 lados - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Brochure 2 faces - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Brochure a 2 lati - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 62-stronna broszura - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6Brochura de 2 Lados - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 62-х сторонняя брошюра - Vibrators for concrete consolidation
Revision: 6