Virtuellen Messe Quarry and Mining

Die Virtuelle Messe Quarry and Mining

OLI lädt Sie zu einer virtuellen Veranstaltung ein, die den Schwerpunkt Vibrationstechnologie in der Steinbruch- und Bergbauindustrie hat.Bedingt durch die aktuelle Pandemie sind die meisten Veranstaltungen erzwungener Maßen abgesagt worden. Um dennoch die neuesten Informationen zu erhalten, hat OLI eine zweitägige sichere, aber sehr informative, kontaktlose Veranstaltung organisiert.

Entdecken Sie alle Lösungen für Vibrationstechnik im Steinbruch- und Bergbausektor.

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SIM, France

Octobre 7 – 9, 2020, Angers, France

The SIM exhibition is the leading point of contact for the extractive industries sector in France. It highlights the equipment and know-how of the suppliers of products and services in the sector.

Come and visit us in Stand F24

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OLI Group’s commitment to be close to people continues.

We do this by guaranteeing maximum safety conditions for all our employees located in the 5 continents.We do this by continuing to serve our customers, ensuring commercial and technical support as always.We do this with small gestures, donating masks and other personal protective devices, starting from China which was first affected by this pandemic and now supporting other local authorities, in Italy and abroad.

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OLI Group commitment in the current scenario

The spread of the Coronavirus is fast and has already reached many countries.On Sunday, 8th March the Italian Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health have issued more restrictive regulations to be adopted all over the Italian territory.In the current worldwide situation we want to assure you about the commitment that we have at OLI Group, focusing on the following priorities.

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Warsaw, Poland

During the coming ICCX Central Europe 2020, the two-day meeting for the Central European concrete and precast concrete component industry will take place for the 7th time in Poland. The dates are 12 and 13 February 2020.

Please, visit us at Booth 18

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